Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Isabel at 1 month

Time sure does fly! I can't believe that Isabel is already 1 month old. Every morning I wake up and see her face, at o' dark thirty, she appears to me to be a different person. She is continually evolving. I can't pinpoint her features. Who does she look like? One day it is daddy, the next mommy, then the next she is a carbon copy of Maxwell.
She is eating like a champ and gaining weight really well. On her 1 month birthday she was 8 pounds 13 ounces. She is already out doing Max and is in the 50 percentile for her weight gain. Her hamhocks are gorgeous! 

Not the most cooperative model. She won't look at the camera or open her eyes!

Max still adores her and kisses her all the time. She is the target of his procrastination techniques when it is time for bed. He NEEDS to kiss on her and hold her before going to bed.

Her 2 month check up and vaccinations are looming and I can't wait to see her progress.

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