Monday, May 13, 2013

Isabel's First Haircut

I couldn't stand it any more. I started putting hats on Isabel while she ate because she would be covered in food by the end of the meal. Her hair had to go! Nothing drastic, just the long baby fuzzies she was born with. Terry was reluctant to do it, so I did it while he was at school, hoping he wouldn't notice.

 I mean really, who is going to miss the fuzz?

Hardly noticeable, right?

So, later that night I get a text message from Terry. "I saw what you did." I had actually forgotten and didn't know what he was taking about, so I started to ask him. Then I remembered. He texted that he did something to. That is when I paniced! I racked my brain...earrings...more hair? When I get home he tells me, he painted her fingers and toenails while she was sleeping. A sweet, pale pink. Adorable!

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