This post should really be titled, The Not Really Wanting To Be Potty Trained post. Max has been showing great aversion to the idea of potty training. He doesn't even really want to have his diaper changed. Daddy has taken the lead in handling the training. This picture of Max, though not really clear, really says it all.
Yes, those are underwear on his head! He shows utter contempt for the idea of potty training.
I love my son, but somedays I think he may actually walk down the aisle wearing a diaper! I know eventually he will take to the idea of potty training. I am trying to not stress out about his lack of desire on this issue. Only time will tell.
hang in there...don't push him...what finally worked for brady was wearing no underwear or diaper...2 days of that and he was potty trained...he was also 3 too. it will happen.