Max has begun to use words. He doesn't know very many but once he figures out they get a reaction he says them all the time. Lately his new favorite is "see ya!" Which has only narrowly replaced his old favorite of "Hi!" He says hi to everybody and everything, 2 or 4 legged. He is ever so happy when people respond and say hi back.
Now if you couple this behavior with his favorite thing, doors, it can become quite comical. At the library for storytime he is like the hall monitor letting people in and out saying "hi" the whole time. Anywhere we go he says hi.
So Max and daddy baked a cake yesterday while I was at work. They had almost everything they needed except frosting so they went to the grocery store. Daddy carried him into the store and put him down to get out some energy and he promptly turned around and headed back to the door. He stood there saying "hi" to the people coming in and giggling when they said hi back. Finally Terry was able to coax him away from the door by giving him a job to do. Carrying the basket!
Okay so maybe he is draging the basket, but isn't he cute??
Terry says that he walked all over the store checking things out like a little shopper.
Terry tried putting in something light weight but Max kept tripping over the basket. So Terry walked around with his arms full of stuff, taking pictures with his camera phone and trying to stay ahead of Max.
That is my little man! He is getting so big and strong. He now clmbs and plays alot by himself at the indoor play park. He only sometimes puts out his hands for help. He always keeps an eye out for either Terry or myself, just making sure that we are still there. Every day he gets better at stuff, more sure footed and independent.