Thursday, February 24, 2011

Snow Day!!!

So I did not see the outcome of Groundhog Day. I can only assume that cute little guy did not see his shadow and we are currently in the grip of a Winter Wonderland. We have taken advantage of the snowy weather and gone out to play several times.

This new waterproof suit is great for rainy days and snowy weather and it keeps him snuggly warm. Though when he walks he looks like a big waddling duck. Super cute!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Play date with Jake

We had a play date with Jake "The Snake" this week. Bridgette and I always laugh that we never get to talk to each other whenever we get together. The boys each have their own agenda. This time I got proof that they were actually within a 2 feet of each other. Though they really didn't even know that the other was even there. Both boys are really, do it yourself kind of kids. They don't wait to see what anyone else is doing they just go for it.

We started out looking at a huge train track and played a little until Max spotted something far more interesting.
A rabbit hutch, at just his level. I swear I did not put him in there. Bridgette can vouch for me. She saw him climb in. He climbed in all by himself. And once inside he took out all the stuffed bunnies and other stuff that was taking up the space. You can even see the debris on the bottom left of the picture.

We spent the majority of our time in the toddler area, until the boys separately discovered the door out to the big kids area.
There was also a huge big rig truck with a sleeper cab for the kids to climb in and check out from the inside. Max obviously can not wait to drive.
I think the best part was a huge Lite Brite board. Bridgette and I agreed that we both loved them as kids. The boys seemed to like them also. That was when I got some shots of the two of them standing right next to each other, paying no attention to the other.

I think the boys had a good time and Bridgette and I want to get them together more often so they can play together and we can actually talk and catch up on stuff. It sure was fun though. Thanks for treating us, Bridgette. We will have to go back there soon.

Max goes shopping

Max has begun to use words. He doesn't know very many but once he figures out they get a reaction he says them all the time. Lately his new favorite is "see ya!" Which has only narrowly replaced his old favorite of "Hi!" He says hi to everybody and everything, 2 or 4 legged. He is ever so happy when people respond and say hi back.
Now if you couple this behavior with his favorite thing, doors, it can become quite comical. At the library for storytime he is like the hall monitor letting people in and out saying "hi" the whole time. Anywhere we go he says hi.

So Max and daddy baked a cake yesterday while I was at work. They had almost everything they needed except frosting so they went to the grocery store. Daddy carried him into the store and put him down to get out some energy and he promptly turned around and headed back to the door. He stood there saying "hi" to the people coming in and giggling when they said hi back. Finally Terry was able to coax him away from the door by giving him a job to do. Carrying the basket!
Okay so maybe he is draging the basket, but isn't he cute??
Terry says that he walked all over the store checking things out like a little shopper.

Terry tried putting in something light weight but Max kept tripping over the basket. So Terry walked around with his arms full of stuff, taking pictures with his camera phone and trying to stay ahead of Max.
That is my little man! He is getting so big and strong. He now clmbs and plays alot by himself at the indoor play park. He only sometimes puts out his hands for help. He always keeps an eye out for either Terry or myself, just making sure that we are still there. Every day he gets better at stuff, more sure footed and independent.